
Peaceful Being Music Video

The Peaceful Being Music Video is comprised of 1 minute excerpts from the 8 songs on the album with a related photo image for each song. I invite you to watch the video for an overall introduction to my music. Peaceful Being begins with...

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Inner Journey Notes

Inner Journey Notes

The Inner Journey gets underway with a simple piano arpeggio, then adds a couple of piano lines that enhance and begin to express a richer and deeper theme dancing about the simple repeating arpeggio.  A tabla adds dimension and rhythm to the journey just before...

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Peaceful Being is a dream fulfilled.

When I was a child, I wanted to be a composer when I grew up.  My parents supported my learning to play music but believed that musicians could not make a decent living so discouraged me from pursuing music as a career.  I continued playing and learning...

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Rain and Calling The Rain

Rain and Calling The Rain

Several people have asked me about the name for the song, Calling The Rain.  I want to relate an experience that inspired this name and made me aware that consciousness can effect the weather. When I first played Calling the Rain (which I hadn't named yet) on a mesa...

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