
Inner Journey Notes

by | Jan 26, 2018

The Inner Journey gets underway with a simple piano arpeggio, then adds a couple of piano lines that enhance and begin to express a richer and deeper theme dancing about the simple repeating arpeggio.  A tabla adds dimension and rhythm to the journey just before the violas enter the dance.  A viola expands and developed musical themes introduced by the piano in of three interweaving, harmonious lines.  All the musical voices introduced sound together creating a sea of undulating musical tones that support Shaina Noll’s beautiful and evocative vocal melody that soars above them.  Then, Richard Noll’s complementary countermelody, adds a final voice to the orchestra, dancing in harmony with Shaina’s soaring melody, resting at the calm center of the musical inner journey.  The return from the center commences when, first, the male vocal and, next, the female vocal, then, all the instruments, one by one, slowly fade into silence, finally leaving only the simple piano arpeggio to bring us back to the present reality, marking the completion of our inner journey.